How to unlock the Service Carbine aka the M16 in GTA Online? In this guide we will help you unlock the latest weapon that has been added to GTA Online! As part of The Criminal Enterprises update, this new weapon is one of many new pieces of content. The difference is that this gun is not simply purchased from Ammu-Nation and you’re ready to go. Everyone thought this would be the case but it is not at Ammu-Nation so many assumed it would be drip-fed. Thankfully this is not the case! You just need to do a few steps before you can claim it for free; much like the Revolver collectable hunt ahead of Red Dead Redemption 2’s release.
Service Carbine Guide
Thanks to WildBrick142, we now know you must collect 5 components of the weapon to assemble it. These five parts are scattered across Los Santos and Blaine County in 10 possible locations. The 5 different collectables of the Service Carbine are as follows:
- Scope
- Barrel
- Sights
- Mag
- Receiver

The 10 locations are called crime scenes and a part can spawn at 1 of them. Wildbrick has created a helpful map of southern San Andreas with the locations of each 10 crime scenes for you to use as a guide.
Crime scenes spawn every 30 minutes from when you log into GTA Online and you can get the same crime scene location multiple times.

This week’s event week features a whole host of things to do in GTA Online! Alongside the Service Carbine, there are bonuses, discounts, a war between e-Cola and Sprunk plus so much more. You can find out all of the things to do in GTA Online this week with our article here. For more GTA 5 and GTA Online news updates around the new update, stay tuned to RockstarINTEL.