Rockstar Games have just released “The Shocker”, a new stun baton weapon into GTA Online. However, it cannot be purchased. It actually requires a few steps to unlock for free and solving The Fort Zancudo Puzzle.
Powered by alien technology, The Shocker is a stun baton which is a lot of fun to use in GTA Online. Upon hitting an NPC or another player it shocks them meaning they fall to the floor unable to do anything for a few seconds. This weapon was datamined in the Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC but has only just released as part of the Halloween celebrations in-game. I’ll be taking you through how to get the new shocker and how to keep it in this guide.
Step 1: Don’t Be A Leader
To get started, you cannot be a leader of an organisation such as Motorcycle Clubs. Make sure you are just yourself with no leadership powers for the moment.
Step 2: Get Abducted By A UFO

You need to get beamed up now. Visit any of the UFOs hovering above Los Santos and simply walk under them into their beam. There is a time limit on the main section so don’t get abducted until after Step 3.
The UFOs typically appear at 10pm and disappear at 4am in-game time. However, Halloween weather is active causing them to arrive earlier and stay around for longer. As of October 31st for the next few days, the UFOs can be found from 7:30pm until 6:30am in-game time. Keep an eye on your phone to know when the weather and UFOs will occur!
Bonus Tip: Photographing any of the UFOs will earn you $15,000 and 1000RP. If you took photos of all 26, you will earn as bonus of $100,000 and the UFO caps.
Step 3: Hope For The Best
There is a 50% chance each time you are abducted by a UFO to wake up in a secret bunker under Fort Zancudo . If you do not, you can try again by visiting another UFO once you’ve made it back to Southern San Andreas. Now get beamed up and once you do wake up in the bunker, move onto Step 4.
Note: You’ll also earn the Green and White UFO Boxer and ??? tee for being abducted regardless.
Step 4: Get Up And Get The Crowbar

From here, you have 10 minutes to complete this crucial few steps. You’ll wake up on a medical bed in first person. Get up by pressing A on Xbox and X on PlayStation. Walk around and you’ll see several other beds. tables and cabinets. One of the cabinets will have the crowbar on. You need to go over to it and pick it up using Left on the d-pad.

Step 5: Get The Shocker
With the crowbar acquired, leave the room by heading out of the door. You’ll enter a corridor. Go into the first door on your left. It has several green boxes and a wooden crate. Go to the crate and using Left on the d-pad, open it with the crowbar. This is The Shocker! You can’t use it yet nor is it safe to be kept in GTA Online. Now for a puzzle.
Note: If you get abducted and come back here after successfully completing the puzzle, you’ll earn $25,000 and 1000RP for opening the crate. Or it will be $2000 if you previously got money from the crate less than 60 minutes ago.

Step 6: Take Note Of The Symbols
This is the most difficult part of the quest. Head to the end of the corridor and on the left wall you’ll see 4 levers and above each of them a glowing symbol: A circle with a waveform inside of it, a DNA helix, 4 circular maze patterns and small circles coming off lines.

You need to pull the levers in a correct order based on how many times the symbol appears in certain rooms in the bunker. It differs per person per playthrough so my example will differ from yours but the same logic will apply. Do not pull any of the levers yet! Pulling the levers incorrectly 3 times will flood the bunker with gas and you’ll be returned to a random part of the map.
I’d recommend noting down the symbols and their number in the upcoming steps.
Step 7: Go Back To The First Room

Go back to the first room, the one you woke up in. You’ll notice there are monitors displaying the circle with waveform pattern on it. How many monitors are on with this symbol is where in order the lever for this symbol should be pulled. For example, I had 2 monitors displaying it so it should be pulled 2nd in order. If you only have 1, it’s first and so on.
Step 8: Go To The First Looked Room

Exit the starting room and look right. There is a large locked room with two windows. Go to the left window with weapons on stands. How many weapons are in the stands is the number order to pull the DNA helix lever. For example, mine was one weapon so it had to be pulled first.
Step 9: Revisit The Shocker Room

Go to the other side of the corridor and into the room where you picked up The Shocker. Inside you’ll see several green army crates. Some of them will have the glowing 4 circular maze pattern symbol on top. How many crates have this on is the order the corresponding lever should be pulled. In my case, there were 4 so it had to be pulled in 4th place.
Step 10: Look At The Other Locked Room

Exit The Shocker room and to your left is another locked room with windows. Look into the left window and count how many laptops display the symbol with small circles coming off several lines. I saw 3 laptop displays with the symbol meaning it had to be pulled 3rd. Yours may vary depending on how many laptops are on.
Step 11: Solve The Puzzle

Now you know your order to pull the levers, run back to the levers at the end of the hallway. Press Left on the d-pad in front of each level to pull it in your order. Each lever you pull in order correctly will give you a green light. If you get it wrong, you’ll see a red light appear in the middle of the wall warning you about how many strikes you have left and that toxic gas will be put into the area.

Once you’ve pulled all of the levers in the correct order, the elevator doors near you will open. Enter the elevator and press Left on the d-pad. You’ll step out into the surface of Fort Zancudo with a 4 star wanted level, $25,000, 1000 RP and The Shocker!

You can now use this new melee weapon on unsuspecting NPCs and other players. What are your thoughts on it? Let us know down below in the comments!
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