GTA Online’s Criminal Enterprise update shipped out today with a host of new improvements to the game’s quality of life, with Rockstar Games focusing on exploration, the company plans to expand Los Santos with two new car dealerships, just like the ones seen in Grand Theft Auto IV and Vice City.
Previously teased in the initial trailer for this DLC update, the all-new Luxury Auto’s will be reopening in the center of Rockford Hills. As of writing, the dealership remains unavailable, the update today added a new set of wooden borders across the window displays with the front door stating a new ‘reopening soon’ sign.
Rockstar states in the newswire today it will plan to shed light on the reopening soon, it could be a matter of a week or two.
Looking at the game files
From what we can gather from looking into the game files, Luxury Auto’s won’t feature an interior. Rockstar plans to rotate a special vehicle on a regular basis inside the display podium from the window with a standard menu to purchase the vehicle. This is at least what the game language files are stating, it doesn’t appear it will feature any form of test driving for this particular dealership, at least for now.
Luxury Autos is now available. Visit the shop window display to view and purchase premium vehicles. Stock updates regularly so check back in often.
Luxury Auto’s is quite a little let down considering it could’ve been so much more than this. On a positive note, it’s looking like Rockstar plans to repurpose Simeon’s dealership to leverage the interior with new vehicles to buy and even test drive under a time limit. The player will be able to walk freely inside the building to buy any desired vehicle on display.
Premium Deluxe Motorsport is now open. View, test drive and purchase vehicles inside the showroom. Premium Deluxe Repo Work is also available from Simeon’s office.
It’s currently unknown how long a player will be able to test drive a vehicle, though it will include a timer, and once the timer ends the game will fade out black and return the vehicle back to Simeon’s dealership.
To stay tuned on the new dealerships, we’ll be closely covering this on our Twitter and website, be sure to give us a follower to keep up with the latest.
1 Comment
how are you going to have in bold letters at the bottom that they are both open if they just aren’t.