A Rockstar Games office in Oakville on Christmas Eve, a 30-year old woman from Oakville reportedly broke into the studio and had allegedly taken over $66,000 worth of property, Global News reports.

An officer for Ontario Provincial Police said in a statement to Global News that the items from the studio were returned back. It’s believed the items stolen did not contain any confidential information, it simply looks like some brand new items were stolen from the studio.
Items had been delivered to the premise however the accused stole them prior to possession of the items being taken by the company
Const. Steve Elms, Media Relations Officer
The 30-year old woman is currently facing over 18 criminal charges, most are theft and other crimes.
Returned back, eh?
This shows that women can be gangster too lol
The irony, she surely like their games.
What a bitch 😐
What a bitch 😐
She couldn’t steal the release date for gta 6 like c’mon
The studio is not in Toronto, it’s located in Oakville, ON – which is roughly 35 minutes west of the city. And there’s no such thing as Toronto police, it’s the O.P.P. (Ontario Provencial Police).
She should have hired Lester.
Heist failed
Dissapointed she wasn’t charged with grand theft
She needed it to buy Shark cards
You tought em well.
GOOD! She did go Rockstar what they have been doing to their customers for years. Rockstar are a horrible, desperate company.
If you employ random freelancers to create your content material, you are in problems.
Why her name has not been realesed, she is not a Minor???