Rockstar Games have recently removed the GTA V tie-in app “iFruit” from Apple’s iOS App Store and the Google Play Store. After over 3 years since the last update for the app was released, Rockstar have made it unable to be downloaded on both main mobile app stores. It is still available on the Windows Store, however. This comes after it has not been supported on newer versions of iOS and Android. With over 10 million downloads, it is a sad day for the GTA community.
UPDATE: December 12th
Rockstar have confirmed in a support page that as of December 12th 2022, The Grand Theft Auto: iFruit App will no longer be supported at all. This means you can no longer create custom license plates. However, Rockstar state “We are currently developing a new method to allow players to customize their license plates via the GTA Online website, and we will provide an update when there is more information to share.” This is a good development in this story.

This does not come as a surprise to plenty of the GTA community. For many, the app has crashed when launching for the past few years due to the app not supporting the new hardware or software. The app also does not recognise new content that Rockstar added to the game for vehicles. The iFruit app let you customise your cars in Los Santos Customs, get a custom license plate and even feed and look after Franklin’s dog, Chop. With its last update in 2019, it has been useless for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S version of GTA V.

The current situation
Some users are reporting they are able to download from their app history but it does not show up in search results. Meanwhile the app page is unavailable in most regions but is still live without the option to download for others. If you’re on Android, you can install the app using a site that hosts apk mirrors for apps. It is worth reminding you though the app does not run on recent versions of Android and hardware.

A future without iFruit?
It is rather disappointing this app has not stood the test of time like GTA V and GTA Online has. One last update to get the app running on the latest set of mobile phones and support for the next gen of GTA V would have been appreciated. Perhaps there is hope Rockstar Games will relaunch iFruit in the near future with a new app? Only time will tell. For now, you can only use it on older hardware/software combinations and downloading the game via an apk hosting site.
What are your memories of this app that released alongside GTA V in 2013? Let us know in the comments. In other news, Rockstar have announced they will be increasing the value of Shark Cards and we have all of the details here for you. We also have a new vehicle to look forward to for GTA Online. To keep up to date with every event week, then make sure to check back to RockstarINTEL each week.
Rockstar did not remove it I was able to install the app in my Gaslxy S22 Ultra 5 minutes ago.
As we noted in the article, it is still possible for a few users to install it. However, it has been removed for the vast number of people, this is coming from an S22U user 🙂
They don’t want people making custom license plates and duplicating cars for money 😂
It will probably still hover around on the web as APK
And the game did not cut it connexion with the app.
There was 1 day though that it left me without the possibility to put custom plates on my car.
But all back.
As noted in the article, you can still download an APK but it is broken on most new devices 🙂
I’m really going to miss making custom plates.
im genuinely curious about how theyre gonna make custom license plates now. cos i want all my cars to have the same plate- MY plate. are they just gonna take it away, and thats that or what. idk man bummer.
It hase been removed for years if you want to get it you need an old iPhone or be lucky and be able to install it on a newer phone