In this article we will be showing you how you can get your Breaking Bad RV. The latest DLC for GTA Online, Los Santos Drug Wars, features additional story missions focusing on a bunch of new “misfits with a mission to put their stamp on the Los Santos psychedelics trade psychedelics trade.”
The first mission in this “First Dose” story has you take on a Motorcycle Club then retrieving a stolen RV before delivering it back to its rightful location. The RV’s real name in the game is the Zirconium Journey II. The best part? Rockstar Games have created a livery that is inspired by the one seen in hit TV show Breaking Bad.

How to get the Breaking Bad RV in GTA Online
To purchase the Zirconium Journey II, you can pay $790,000 from San Andreas Southern Super Autos. Or if you complete the first new mission, Welcome to the Troupe, you’ll unlock its trade price of $592,500, saving you a bit of GTA cash.
There is a way to get it for free though! In the current event week, the Zirconium Journey II is the Diamond Casino podium vehicle meaning you can win it for free if you’re lucky. Head to the Casino to try your luck by spinning the wheel. Remember this only available for a week.
You’ll notice this RV doesn’t have that iconic look of the one as seen in Breaking Bad but there’s a simple way to sort this. Head to a Los Santos Customs shop and paint it with the classic Bleached Brown colour for the primary and secondary colours. Then you can purchase the Cooking Time livery that adds the red bands around the RV to give it a Breaking Bad look. You can choose the yellow trim paint to add a bit of yellow around the sides as well. Then it will look like this.

For all other features of the new GTA Online update, check out our articles here. To keep up to date with every piece of GTA Online news, stay tuned to RockstarINTEL.