GTA 6 announcement could come this summer according to Tez2, the Rockstar Games insider whom has provided us with reliable information in the past. He shares when he feels like Rockstar will break their silence on GTA VI plus his reasoning behind those feelings. This follows our article covering Tez sharing what’s he’s heard about GTA 6’s development and when it aims to release.
In a post on the GTAForums at the tail end of last week, Tez said “I ain’t gonna lie. I feel like the next time we could receive some news or an update is around June or July. Likely the latter.” He goes onto explain his reasoning for this. This September and October will be the 10th anniversary of both GTA V and GTA Online. There will be some special events no doubt but Rockstar may choose to tease GTA 6 around this time too.

They did a treasure hunt ahead of Red Dead Redemption 2’s launch so it’s not out of the question for them to do something for the next instalment in the Grand Theft Auto series. Although the RDR2 treasure hunt in GTA Online took place a year after the game was announced officially. The summer update each year can include drip-feed content lasting through the months of September and October; this is always datamined and revealed by the community. If a GTA 6 connected tease was part of the summer update for 2023 but scheduled for a few months later, the fans who datamine the game would know and share it. Getting ahead of this earlier in the summer would be Rockstar’s best option. Of course this is just Tez’s opinion but it is worth noting.
Background changes to GTA Online
Tez also shared some background changes Rockstar has made to GTA Online this week.
- Patched Auto Shop Contract Back 2 Back glitch
- Patched Arena Dupe glitch
- Fixed a bug with Deathmatch Blip Modifier Set – Campers

He also revealed Rockstar Games have recently published more background fixes than usual for Deathmatch modifiers. A theory Tez has is more deathmatches might come to GTA Online in the near future. As always, all of these points come from Tez so before to check out his posts on the GTAForums and drop him a follow on Twitter.
Stay tuned to RockstarINTEL for all news updates on GTA 6, GTA Online and more.
1 Comment
Probably fall of this year with a late 25 release. Assuming there are no setbacks.