A Vice City show from rapper 50 Cent has started development for Paramount+ according to Deadline. This is not part of a collaboration with Rockstar Games. The star posted a Vice City tease on his Twitter and Instagram earlier this month. After fans hoped it was for GTA 6, Jackson quickly deleted his posts. The musician’s first post was an image of the Kingpin achievement/trophy from Vice City in Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition and unlisted PS4 version. That’s why speculation ran wild. The image was partnered with a curious caption stating “I will Explain this later”. That’s why speculation ran wild.
Who’s making the show?
As per Deadline’s exclusive report, this is a new show coming out of 50 Cent’s G-Unit Film & Television company along with Lionsgate Television and Paramount Television Studios. The minds behind this show are writers Darnell Metayer and Josh Peters; both of whom helped pen the screenplay of this year’s summer blockbuster Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. Fans of the popular John Wick franchise will be pleased to hear its director, Chad Stahelski, will be directing and producing Vice City.
What is the show about?
The article from Deadline claims the show is set in the mid 1980’s Miami. Three friends come home from serving their country by dishonourable discharge. This leaves them without any future or so it seems. A “mysterious Colombian immigrant” brings them together to build a crew to take on heists. They turn to being criminals for money in what is a violent path they walk. Given the series is still in development it might be a while before we hear anything more about this show.
Is this show connected to GTA or Rockstar
This “Vice City” TV series is not in any way related to the Grand Theft Auto series or Rockstar Games.
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