It appears we’re getting increasingly closer to some news from Rockstar Games, RockstarINTEL can report an update made to the Rockstar Games Launcher moments ago has added several new mentions for the forthcoming GTA Trilogy – The Definitive Edition in preparation for pre-orders and it did add a new boxart but it should be noted it could be a placeholder as it seems to have the Unreal Engine branding on the centre of the logo.
Here’s what was discovered in the update

Emerged Boxart in High-Quality

Credit to @Hubfex for recreating the boxart in higher quality
Selection menu

It appears that Rockstar Games will be using GTA San Andreas as a host for GTA III and Vice City, which likely suggests the games will feature some form of game selection menu, according to the launcher scripts updated earlier today.
This would make a lot of sense considering the fact Ruffian Games (now known Rockstar Dundee), developed the Halo Master Cheif Collecteion which also featured a games selection menu on the boot screen.
We recommend keeping an eye on our pages and the official Rockstar Games channels for more details on the GTA Trilogy as it appears as we’re getting closer to hearing more news soon. It’s entirely possible we may hear more tomorrow as it’s Grand Theft Auto III’s 20th anniversary!