For this week only, take advantage of many huge discounts to fill up your item stock inside the world of Red Dead Online. Rockstar has unveiled the next batch of discounts, rewards for playing Red Dead Online and much more!
Take advantage of these massive on sale discounts at your local store.
- Rifles and Pistols are all 40% off
- Some Pants and Gloves are 70% off
- Select items for Wilderness Outfitters are 50% off
- Select Pamphlets are 40% off
- Some Gun Belts are 70% off
- The War Horses are 70% off
- And lastly, 50% off on select Ponchos and Shirts
Play Red Dead Online To Receive Five Gold Bars
The company also announced in a newswire post all players will receive five gold bars if anyone plays Red Dead Online between now and April, 14th. They also noted the funds will be made available to players within 48 hours of playing the game so keep an out for the free gift!
Daily Challenge Rewards
Play Red Dead Online and complete a daily challenge per day to receive a 3-day daily challenge to become eligible to receive many special items.
- 10 Special Heath Cures
- Special Micale Tonics
- 10 Special Sneak Oils
- Incendiary Buckshot Slugs
These can be collected at your Camp Lockbox or your nearest Post Office but it can take up to 48 hours to receive your gifts.
Double XP Rewards
Fancy some horse racing or some showdown modes? Both modes are offering double XP for this week only!
That’s it for this week discounts and rewards! Just as a reminder, 5% of the proceeds from Red Dead Online & GTA Online (Shark Cars and Gold Bars) will go towards the charities to help those affected by COVID-19.