A brand new mod by fans has emerged that finishes the Mile High Club area and is slated to release in 2021.
Many fans of GTA Online have waited since Grand Theft Auto V‘s 2013 release for Rockstar Games to finally complete the Mile High Club building in Downtown Los Santos. While fans are hopeful that the company may opt to do this for a future GTA Online DLC, in the meantime a new group of talented enthusiasts has taken it into their own hands to finish off construction.

The group of more than eleven fans, which calls itself “Ambitioneers Team”, has been hard at work on this project since September 2019.
In the late evening yesterday, the group unveiled a new trailer showcasing their creation for the first-ever time. The team says they have recreated the area entirely recreated from scratch. Ambitioneers has also made other new additions to the game’s map, including improvements to the nearby Metro Station and pathways.
Ambitioneers has announced that the mod will become available sometime in 2021 on GTA5-Mods.com. Everyone can keep up to date on the project by keeping an eye on the team’s official YouTube channel.