An upcoming Book which Sheds light on dark corners of American History through the Story Telling of Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2 is also getting an Audiobook edition, narrated by Roger Clark, the man behind everyone’s favourite protagonist Arthur Morgan.
Red Dead’s History, which is currently set to release on August 6th 2024 has been written by History Professor Tore C. Olsson, who was known for using Red Dead Redemption and its Sequel Red Dead Redemption 2 as a way to teach his students at the University Of Tennessee about American History between 1899 – 1911.
Roger Clark will be Narrating the Audiobook which is priced at $14.99, and will venture into Americas Violent Wild West Past, using the Storytelling taken from Red Dead due to how historically accurate the games are, along with adding context from real world events.

The Blurb for the Book, which can be found on Macmillan and Amazon says:
In this engaging book, award-winning American history professor Tore Olsson takes up that question and more. Weaving the games’ plots and characters into an exploration of American violence between 1870 and 1920, Olsson shows that it was more often disputes over capitalism and race, not just poker games and bank robberies, that fueled the bloodshed of these turbulent years. As such, this era has much to teach us today. From the West to the Deep South to Appalachia, Olsson reveals the gritty and brutal world that inspired the games, but sometimes lacks context and complexity on the digital screen. Colorful, fast-paced, and dramatic, Red Dead’s History sheds light on dark corners of the American past for gamers and history buffs alike.
Tore C. Ollsen announced the book back in October 2023 and we’ve been excited about it ever since he made us aware, Getting Roger Clark to voice the Audiobook is an incredible edition and we cant wait to hear and read it.
The Hardcover will be priced at $30, digital audio will be priced at $19.99 whilst the Audiobook is priced at $14.99. You can pre-order here.
Sources: Tore C. Ollsen & IGN
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