Two new reports on Rockstar Games and Grand Theft Auto reveals some interesting results. Firstly, Statista Consumer Insights took a look at if the best-known game companies are also the most liked. The second report uses Tweets on Twitter to determine how positive or negative a fandom is. In this article we will dive into both of these interesting reports.
Is Rockstar well liked?
Statista Consumer Insights’ report into “Are the best-known game companies also the most liked?” shows Rockstar Games is the 4th most popular company. Nintendo took first place by quite a margin. They were followed by EA and Epic Games. Rockstar also had the 6th most awareness percentage. The survey was conducted using 1035 gamers across the USA within the ages of 16 and 64 during August 2022. The full chart of the report is below:

How negative is the GTA community compared to others?
If you’re part of the GTA community you already know how negative it can feel to be part of. From the endless wait for GTA 6 news to drip-feed content and the remastered trilogy disaster, it has always been entertaining. How does it fair with other online fandoms though? Well, Wordtips recently published their findings and the results might surprise you.
Grand Theft Auto fans were the 27th most negative fanbase overall but just 8th for gaming. Call of Duty was clearly ahead in first here. However, GTA was the 96th most positive community. Roughly 255 positive words are used every 1000 words whereas 157 negative words are used every 1000 words.

In terms of how they came to this conclusion, Wordtips explain their methodology here: “We curated a long list of fanbases and their idols from sources, identifying one Twitter account representing each idol. Using Twitter API, we found 1,000 tweets from at least 100 unique followers of each of these accounts and analyzed tweets using the NRC lexicon to find out the percentage of positive and negative words. We then ranked the fanbases by the number of positive or negative words per 1,000 words used.” Be sure to check out the full report here.
Stay tuned to RockstarINTEL for all news updates on the GTA and Red Dead franchises.
I want gta and fortnite
Fo so
Hi owner, Thanks for the well-researched and well-written post!
Seeing how the post Dan Houser era has been, I can see why.