From all of us here Rockstar INTEL, we hope that you had a (very) Happy Christmas and want to wish you all the best and a Happy New Year 2021! With indications that 2021 might turn out better overall, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t have our fingers crossed.
2020 has been an odd year filled with uncannily relevant tunes, new triple-A releases, and even a new Grand Theft Auto: Online heist. I hope you’ll join me in showing 2020 the door and welcoming 2021 with—admittedly wary—optimism.
This is the first article I’ve written in a year; I’m going to go cherish this now. Wishing you all the best and a Happy New Year. (Stay safe everyone!) You can look forward to plenty more content from us. I assure you that, unlike the pandemic, we aren’t going anywhere.