Podium Vehicle

This week at the Diamond Casino, you have a chance to win the Obey Tailgater S on the Lucky Wheel. Again. The Obey Tailgater S costs $1,495,000 from Legendary Motorsport. Upon my first wheel spin this week, I got the jackpot.
Prize Ride Challenge

The latest Prize Ride Challenge vehicle is the Grotti Turismo Classic worth $705,000. Place top 1 in 7 Street Race Series races to receive it.
Premium Test Ride Vehicle

PS5 and Xbox Series X|S players can take a souped-up Principe Deveste Eight for a test drive as it is this week’s Premium Test Ride vehicle.
Test Track Vehicles

Your test track vehicle selection to drive this week are the Dinka RT3000, Enus Deity and the Declasse Granger 3600LX.

- 3X GTA$ & RP on Extraction Adv Mode
- 2X GTA$ & RP on Special Vehicle Work
- 2X Speed Boost on Bunker Research
Log-in Unlock

Black Hawk & Little Logo T-Shirt
Save 50% on the following
- Pegassi Torero
- Biker & Bunker Supplies
Save 40% on the following
- HVY Nightshark
- Emperor ETR1
- Karin Sultan RS Classic
- Declasse Weaponized Tampa
- Karin Technical Aqua
Save 30% on the following
- Vehicle & Special Cargo Warehouses
- Coil Rocket Voltic
Stay tuned to RockstarINTEL for future GTA Online news updates.