The Doomsday Scenario

- Announced: December 7th 2017
- Released: December 12th 2017
- Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox Series, PlayStation 5.
- Update: The Doomsday Heist
- Players: 2-4
- Heist Set up cost: $120,000
- Potential take: $1,200,000 – $1,500,000
- Number of Heist setups: 6
- Number of Preparation: 5
The Doomsday Scenario Preparations
The Doomsday Scenario – Marked Cash
- Players: 1-8
- Potential take: $0
The Doomsday Scenario – Chernobog
- Players: 1-8
- Potential take: $0
The Doomsday Scenario – Test Site Intel
- Players: 1-8
- Potential take: $0
The Doomsday Scenario – Recon
- Players: 1-8
- Potential take: $0
The Doomsday Scenario – Flight Path
Players: 1-8
Potential take: $0
The Doomsday Scenario – Onboard Computer
- Players: 1-8
- Potential take: $0
The Doomsday Scenario Setups
The Doomsday Scenario – Rescue Agent 14
- Players: 2-4
- Potential take: $18,000 – $45,000
The Doomsday Scenario – Barrage
- Players: 2-4
- Potential take: $18,000 – $45,000
The Doomsday Scenario – Air Defenses
- Players: 2-4
- Potential take: $18,000 – $45,000
The Doomsday Scenario – Escort ULP
- Players: 2-4
- Potential take: $18,000 – $45,000
The Doomsday Scenario – Khanjali
- Players: 2-4 players
- Potential take: $18,000 – $45,000