Tony Prince, which many of you know as Gay Tony from Grand Theft Auto: Ballad Of Gay Tony, The Story expansion of Grand Theft Auto IV, is returning in Grand Theft Auto Online.

In the latest trailer for the upcoming update ‘After Hours’ its revealed he’ll be returning. Gay Tony has a Blimp flying across Los Santos which has a club inside of it. Tony doesn’t care what you set up under the Clubs, as long as you have a great crowd dancing to the music above.

In Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, Tony Prince ran multiple nightclubs around the City, Maisonette 9 and Hercules. He then leaves Liberty City to an unknown place and cannot be contacted at the end of BOGT Story. In 2018 he moves to Los Santos to open a new Nightclub.
The Grand Theft Auto Online: After Hours update comes to GTA Online on July 24th