Author: Synth Potato

Red Dead Online launched in a beta state to a pretty strong playerbase back in 2018 despite being extremely light on content right from the get-go. Slowly over time, Rockstar would begin updating Red Dead Online, adding different types of new story missions and taking the game out of its initial beta state. Unfortunately, during the beginning of Red Dead Online, Rockstar wasn’t really sure what it wanted it to be, in some ways it was just GTA Online in the Wild West; in others it was trying to emulate the Story mode’s structure of missions and stranger side missions. And…

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287 days later and counting, Red Dead Online has not had a new content update since the 13th of July 2021. As we approach the one year mark since the last update, fans only have one question: Is this the end of support for Red Dead Online and how did we get to this point? The current state of Red Dead Online is one that is quite surprising considering how it all began, with Red Dead Redemption 2’s release on October 26th, 2018, the launch was huge as Red Dead Redemption 2 itself remains consistently in the top 10 best…

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Rockstar kicks off the new event week for Red Dead Online with Massive bonuses on Shootouts and the Bounty Hunter role and many other bonuses, This event week runs from February 9th to February 16th Bonuses on Tumbleweed Series and Bounties This week The Tumbleweed Series is handing out 3X Extra Gold bars and RDO$ while the Bounty Hunter role is handing out 50% Extra rewards for all Freeroam Bounties Free Rewards Naturalists who have read the Vitalism Studies pamphlet and stockpiled enough Harrietum Officinalis to transform into a wild buck or rabbit this week will receive a Coupon for a Free Coat, While Collectors…

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Rockstar games starts the new Event Week for RDO with discounts on Gus’s Clothes, Various gifts for doing activities and many other discounts on Tonics, Clothes, Lures and more! Here’s what has been updated for this week — this event week will be commencing from 26th January to 2nd February. Various Ways to get Free Gifts This Week includes Various ways to gain free items for simply playing the game, They are: Craft any item at a campfire for 3 collectibles to trade with Madam NazarCraft an item at Gus’s store for a Free Hat Coupon (Below rank 15) and a…

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This week in Red Dead Online marks the beginning of this year’s in-game Christmas Event, With Snow falling all across the frontier (Except New Austin) and gifts Festive Gifts Log on this week to recieve the following gifts: Bonuses This Week’s Bonuses include: SNOW Snow is falling all across the frontier beginning today! For now New Austin is the only dry region, Expect Snow to spread to the dry desert around the New Years! New Legendary Bounty: Shepherd Edwards Shepard Edwards is this week’s new Legendary Bounty target, Capture or Kill him through increasing difficulties for RDO$ and Gold

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Fans of Red Dead Online are more than familiar with it’s paid currency “Gold Bars”, while so far the gold bar currency hadn’t gone fully overboard, fans have been complaining about the Grindy nature of acquiring them for the past two years. With the release of the newest RDO update the “Bounty Hunters” Rockstar has released 10 new levels to the previously available Bounty Hunter role and a new Outlaw Pass, the new role levels themselves cost 15 Gold Bars which for hardcore players isn’t very expensive or new, But the new Outlaw Pass costing 40 Gold Rockstar has made…

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Rockstar has teased the next GTA Online Heist Update again, Like last time, It is an in-game tease: You can now find a dead body in various times/locations across with a briefcase, the body appears in the West coast areas of Los Santos, It seems like things are brewing in San Andreas once again, Rockstar still is going by “Late 2020” Release date for the new Heist update, So expect official announcements very soon. (Images via @TezFunz2)

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Rockstar has officially began teasing the long awaited Heist update for Late 2020, Players have begun recieving a letter announcing new construction in the casino: Investigating the area surrounding the casino reveals new construction work being done: What this means we aren’t sure 100%, but we can be sure that Rockstar plans to do something with the Casino, and soon, While we don’t believe the heist will be set in the casino again as they already revealed it’ll be in “an entirely new location”, We might be seeing where the planning for the new heist might take place, For now,…

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Every Tuesday Red Dead Online is updated with new benefits, offers, and limited-time items, These are this week’s offers: Collectors: • Log into RDO for 2 Bird’s Eggs, 2 Arrowheads, and 2 Family Heirlooms. • Collectors who dig up at least 5 Collectibles will get an offer for 40% off an Established or Higher Collector Item. • Collectors Rank 5 and above will get 4 Megafauna Fossils and a Reward for a free Coat. Bounty hunters: • Complete a Legendary Bounty to receive an Offer for 40% off an Established or Higher Bounty Hunter Item. • Bounty Hunters Rank 5…

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