Steven Ogg, who is best known for his role as Trevor Phillips from Grand Theft Auto, has partnered up with a brewing company to release his own IPA for charity.
OGG IPA is the all new beer released by Steven Ogg and Common Space Brewery. The collaboration is to raise money for Alzheimer’s research. ALZ research is close to Steven Ogg due to his Father suffering from the disease The IPA beer is available for $18 for a pack of 4 or $80 for 6 4 packs.
Today, June 11trh 2022, Common Space and Steven Ogg are also hosting an event, where they will be selling the beer and selling limited edition T-Shirts of OGG IPA. The IPA is also 7% ABV (Alcohol By Volume).
You can purchase the beer from today, either Online, or you can go and pick up from the brewery if you are nearby.