Due to the amount of GTA+ Screenshots released by Rockstar Games, we now have a dedicated page for them all, please click here to view
Due to the amount of GTA+ Screenshots released by Rockstar Games, we now have a dedicated page for them all, please click here to view
Founder of Rockstar INTEL. Find me on Twitter @ItsKapoow
Rock star change the passive mode to where you can put it on the person who’s attacking you unfairly, make it to where they can’t bother you into u unpassive them. These time gamers don’t let u play your game like how u want it . So when u put them on passive they can’t touch you only other players into them players do the same. Every gamer get to play there game fair that way. An also make it to where u can give money to anyone with doing a mission or etc that opens up a lot game play in freemode
Well if it’s as messed up as what they have already done two grand Theft Auto V I’m not interested because they are ruining their own products and if gta6 is anything like GTA V I will not be buying that either I’m fed up of an altering and messing up the game which they have no need to do it’s just stupidity greed and money grabbing which is making them do what they are doing rockstar you have totally lost your way as a game provider
Uhhh… say what, now?
Whinge more?
Why only next gen why can’t xbox one and ps4
Reason being is that older consoles won’t be able to run the new upgrades because it may very will make the game unplayable.
Posted a comment in the why not older consoles.
Because they already have a version. The 10+ year version. Plus the hardware is different.
Uhh because it’s already been out for Xbox one and ps4 for ages. Lol what??
Em Portugal não temos a playstation 5 a enda a imenso tempo como vamos jogar o jogo na playstation 5? E lamentável esta situação. …. resolvam isto sff… obrigado
Fuck gta 5 so sick hear about it. Came out 2013.
Than they said coming to ps4 everyone thought announced gta6 here we go gta 5 coming to ps5.
All about fucking money for rockstar boy cot gta 5 don’t spend money on shark cards or whatever I bet you they’ll drop gta 6 sooner telling me it takes 9 years to make a gta 6 I mean damn near a fucking decade gta 5 is trash 2022 good till 2016
Garbage complete Garbage!