A fan has begun porting GTA San Andreas‘ map into Assassin’s Creed Unity. Whilst these two games are completely, different from each other, that has not stopped YouTuber Sliderv2 from attempting this unexpected mashup. As commenter @blakegriplingph says, we just got Grove Street in the Animus before GTA 6…
Only in the past few weeks have custom map mods been possible in Assassin’s Creed titles. Much like other early modding attempts in games with CJ, GTA San Andreas kicks this new feat off.
In a video posted to their YouTube channel, Sliderv2 showed footage of Assassin’s Creed Unity protagonist Arno Victor Dorian running around the streets of Los Santos in Southern San Andreas.

It sure is fun seeing the assassin roam the iconic Grove Street. This mod is described by the modder as a test for AC Unity’s current modding capabilities.
Whilst it looks surprisingly good for a primitive test, the modder explains there are many issues with collision. At this present time, these can’t be fixed and fully playable maps are unable to be imported. So far, only the Los Santos portion of the map has been brought over to Assassin’s Creed Unity. Whether the whole GTA San Andreas map is finally brought over, that remains to be seen.
Sliderv2 also said in a comment on their video that they also need to find out “how to make climb data for parkour”. This would unlock a whole new realm of Assassin’s Creed content if so.

You can watch the Los Santos in Assassin’s Creed Unity gameplay video here.
In other recent GTA San Andreas news, we learned that the VR port had been delayed indefinitely by Rockstar Games and Meta. Plus, the Definitive Edition of the game on mobile has now surpassed 25.2 million downloads.
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