A small but iconic part of the GTA V map has been broken and fans are hoping it gets fixed before GTA 6 comes out. Rockstar Games appears to have accidentally broke something it shouldn’t have in a previous update. Despite it being sort of an essential part of GTA V’s map, it’s so small that it has taken months for players to notice and kick up a fuss on social media.
If you’ve ever driven along the highways of Southern San Andreas, you’ll recognise the yellow paddles that are in the middle of the road in some sections. Many GTA V players naturally drive right over them due to their physics. They flop over when walked or driven on. There’s something satisfying to it. On top of that, driving at high speed would cause them to break off.
What has broken
However, Rockstar have broken the system and they don’t have the correct physics anymore. As of right now in GTA V and GTA Online, there are no physics when a player attempts to interact with them. Be it walking, punching or shooting, nothing happens. Beforehand it was possible to walk over and move them for example.

This was first spotted by @Lucas7yoshi_RS who also realised driving over them even at slow speed breaks them off instantly. This not how it has worked for a decade. It’s a small thing but it should not be like this. According to the Twitter user, this change was made in the Bottom Dollar Bounties update. That came out in June. They did work as intended in The Chop Shop update.

Funnily enough, Lucas realised this was broken when he spawned 100 of the paddles in on the PC version of the game. He simply wanted to feel more satisfaction as we usually do when going over the paddles on the map. Upon doing so, he noticed textures of various LODs had issues so he tried the paddles in FiveM. They did move and break before causing a game crash.
So, will Rockstar Games fix this tiny part of GTA V’s history? It does seem possible as the Tweet blew up with nearly 4000 likes at the time of writing. No doubt some fans have reported this bug to Rockstar. We certainly hope it is fixed as it is just one of those things we’ve been doing for years and part of the game’s history.
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