As part of this year’s Halloween festivities, Rockstar Games released a zombie survival which took the GTA Online community by storm. Set in North Yankton’s Ludendorff Cemetery as seen in GTA V’s Story Mode, players fight against waves of the undead.
It has been very popular with millions of players checking it out since its release. Whilst the location was the biggest pull, many enjoyed taking on zombies much like they did in Red Dead Redemption’s Undead Nightmare.
There are many creative and talented members of the GTA Online community that bring new jobs to the table. Anyone can create a job. These jobs can now include zombies (including variants!) but you have to do a few steps to actually get them to appear in the survival creator menu.
Rockstar Games kindly provided information for this on their support site which we’ll share below:

The basics:
- 1) Select Placement
- 2) Select Place Trigger
- 3) Place your Trigger in your preferred area
- 4) Select Place Lobby Camera
- 5) Place the Camera
- 6) Select Play Area Bounds
- 7) Customize and place your Play Area Bounds to your preference
- 8) Select Player Spawn Points
- 9) Place your Player Spawns in your preferred areas
- 10) Select Enemy Spawn Points
- 11) Place your Enemy Spawns in your preferred areas

Adding Zombies
- 1) Select Survival Configuration
- 2) Select Wave Configuration
- 3) Select Wave 1-10
- 4) Select Advanced Configuration
- 5) Select Squads Configuration
- 6) Select Squad Presets
- 7) Select Wave Stage you want to configure (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)
- 8) Set the Squad and Heavy Preset Types to either Zombie Runner or Zombie Shambler
- 9) Apply this to all desired Waves
We look forward to what the community creates with the zombies in survivals now!
In other recent community creations, photographers have been getting some awesome shots of North Yankton and the zombies! Check out our round up of the best Snapmatics taken in the zombie mode here.
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Featured image credit: @Rustic_Black